The Purity Principle Study Guide

The Purity Principle Study Guide
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The Purity Principle Study Guide

The choice is yours.
So are the consequences.

Everyone faces a choice - to live by God's rules or to chart their own course. Those who choose God's way invite blessings, while those who go their own way ensure a life of misery.

When it comes to sex, the risks couldn't be greater. Outside God's boundaries, sex has the power to destroy. God's ideal is purity. Obedience to His plan sets you on the path to a higher pleasure—a life that brings you incomparable joy, pleases your loving Father, and yields eternal rewards.

This four week study vividly portrays the choices you must make between purity and impurity—and the serious consequences of those choices. You will understand how purity not only glorifies God but also benefits you. From Scripture you will learn why purity is always smart and impurity is always stupid. Because the battle for purity takes place in the mind, you will adopt biblical strategies that fortify your mind to fight sexual temptation, and you will learn practical guidelines for living a life of purity.

Read an excerpt (pdf)

Product Details

  • Softcover
  • 109 pages
  • Four weeks of Bible study, five daily segments each week
  • Leader's guide for four- or five-session group study

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