El Principio del Tesoro (The Treasure Principle in Spanish)

El Principio del Tesoro (The Treasure Principle in Spanish)

El Principio del Tesoro: Descubra el Secreto del Dador Alegre


Jesús sabía que solo los tesoros celestiales pueden satisfacer. Esta es la razón por la qué advirtió a las personas que no acumularan tesoros en la tierra, sino que descubrieran el gozo de acumular tesoros en el cielo. Sus enseñanzas muestran que usted no puede llevarse las riquezas con usted, pero puede enviarlas por adelantado.

Randy Alcorn's The Treasure Principle (Discovering the Secret of Joyful Giving), introduces readers to a revolution in material freedom and radical generosity that will change lives around the world.

"You couldn't pay me enough not to give," exclaims the bestselling author, who believes there's a higher motivation for giving than guilt. "Giving infuses life with joy. It interjects an eternal dimension into even the most ordinary day."

Alcorn bases his brief, motivational message on the words of the world's foremost financial consultant, Jesus Christ, who advised listeners to "store up for yourselves treasures in heaven" (Matthew 6:20). In a concise power-packed style, he leads the reader toward the Treasure Principle mindset by proposing and illustrating key truths. "God owns everything," writes Alcorn. "I'm His money manager. What I call my money is really His. The question is, what does He want me to do with His money?"

In contemporary, easy-to-understand language, Alcorn offers readers a six-step plan to finding the immediate pleasure and eternal rewards of the Treasure Principle. Once readers discover the liberating joy of giving, life will never look the same. And they won't want it to!

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  • Softcover
  • 112 pages

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