The Ishbane Conspiracy (Audiobook CD)

The Ishbane Conspiracy audiobook CD
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The Ishbane Conspiracy (Audiobook CD)

Intense spiritual battle...confused parents...a year that will change four lives...forever 

Jillian Fletcher: the picture-perfect cheerleader, terrified of losing control.
Ian Stewart: an athlete who dabbles in the supernatural.
Brittany Powell: brilliant tough girl who trusts no one.
Rob Gonzales: a former gangbanger facing his biggest conflict yet...

In one unforgettable year, four students do battle with light and darkness. Competing worldviews, occult influences, and the allure of a culture of death threaten their survival. Can they, and their parents, take the drastic steps necessary to resist the dark spirit forces attacking them, and summon a Power greater than the gates of hell?

Listen to an excerpt (mp3)

Product Details

  • Read by Frank Muller
  • Abridged, 6.5 hours, 6 CDs

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Listener Reviews

The Ishbane Conspiracy by Angela, Karina and Randy Alcorn explores one year in the life of a group of teen-agers and the battle between light and darkness. The young people are confronted with all the temptations today’s teens face, but the temptations are placed in their way by an agency of Satan to drive out their faith and turn them to his darkness.

Randy Alcorn co-wrote the book with his daughters, and their contribution gives the dialogue and actions of the young people a reality often lacking in novels written by older authors. The reader is veteran Frank Muller, who delivers a solid performance, distinguishing among characters — male and female alike — quite effectively. —R.G.

The Ishbane Conspiracy audio book has been a great resource for each of my high school aged children. We've used it as a communication vehicle and conversation starter on many important topics.  —R.M.