Heaven (Audiobook CD)

Heaven (Audiobook CD)
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Heaven (Audiobook CD)

Forget everything you know—or think you know—about Heaven. 

What is Heaven really going to be like?
What will we look like?
What will we do?

In this comprehensive, scripturally based book on Heaven, Randy Alcorn invites readers to experience Heaven the way the Bible describes it—as a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with wondrous sights, sounds, and uncorrupted beauty.

Listen to an excerpt (mp3)

Please Note: The chapters on the Heaven audiobook do not match up with those in the Heaven book. The audio version is abridged and has fewer chapters than the printed book. Since Randy had to edit out a third of the Heaven book for the audio version, that meant reducing most chapters but also eliminating a few. The audiobook chapters do not correspond to the main book. 

Product Details

  • Read by Chris Fabry
  • Abridged, approximately 11 hours, 9 CDs

Audiobook Listener Response

  • I lost my lovely wife to cancer recently, I was destroyed with grief. This book gave me such different perspective on our glorious hope ahead. I had no idea about the New Heaven and New Earth. I had always been taught in church that everything would be destroyed that we knew. I walked hundreds of miles with you speaking into my soul on my iPhone. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me.  –A.M. 

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