Chronological List


Randy Alcorn’s Published Materials


Grieving with Hope, New Growth Press

The Law of Rewards (Softcover), Tyndale [Revised from Original Hardcover edition 2003]

The Law of Rewards (Leatherlike cover), Tyndale [Revised from Original Hardcover edition 2003]

Happiness (Softcover), Tyndale [Original Hardcover edition 2015]

Wait Until ThenEternal Perspective Ministries


Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?, Spanish


The Promise of the New Earth

The Treasure Principle, Kurdish

Heaven for Kids, Ukrainian


Purity Principle, Persian (Farsi)

We Shall See God, Hindi

Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?, Bosnian


Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?, Eternal Perspective Ministries

It’s All About Jesus: A Treasury of Insights on Our Savior and Friend, Harvest House 

Face to Face with Jesus, Afrikaans


Giving Is the Good Life: The Unexpected Path to Purpose and Joy, Tyndale

Are You Living the Good Life?, Compassion International

Beautiful and Scandalous: How God's Grace Changes Everything, Harvest House (out of print)

Does God Want Us to Be Happy? The Case for Biblical HappinessTyndale House


Heaven: The Official Study Guide, David C. Cook Publishing

Heaven: The Official Study Guide DVD, David C. Cook Publishing

The Chasm(softcover), Multnomah [original hardcover ed. 2011]

Face to Face with Jesus, Harvest House

Heaven, Special Ministry Edition, Tyndale

Hand in Hand, Korean

Seeing The Unseen, French

The Treasure Principle, Persian (Farsi)

Why Prolife?, Faroese

60 Days of Happiness, Italian

Managing God's Money, Russian


60 Days of Happiness, book and Ebook, Tyndale

Happiness 101 DVD Class, Eternal Perspective Ministries

Picturing Heaven (Devotions with Coloring Pages), Tyndale

Seeing The Unseen, book and Ebook, Random House [Revised & Updated, Original Ed. 2013]

The Treasure Principle, book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers [Revised & Updated, Earlier editions 2001, 2005]

The Treasure Principle DVD, Multnomah

Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word, book and Ebook, Harvest House [Out of Print]

Heaven Tract: How Can We Know We’ll Go To Heaven?, Updated Edition, Good News Tracts, Crossway

The Apostle Graphic Novel, Nepali

Courageous, Italian

Happiness, Korean

In Light of Eternity, Turkish

The Purity Principle, Turkish

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Turkish

TouchPoints: Heaven, French


The Goodness of God (Softcover), Multnomah [Original Hardcover edition 2010]

Grace: A Bigger View of God’s Love, book and Ebook, Harvest House [Out of Print]

Happiness Bible Study, Lifeway Press

Happiness Bible Study Leader Kit with DVD, Lifeway

Courageous, German

Happiness, Spanish, Tyndale House Publishers

Eternity, Graphic Novel, Russian

In Light of Eternity, Korean

The Purity Principle, Slovak

The Purity Principle, Vietnamese [Revised from 2003 edition]

The Treasure Principle, German

The Treasure Principle, Italian

The Treasure Principle, Latvian

The Treasure Principle, Polish (Original in 2003, Revised in 2016)

The Treasure Principle, Turkish

The Treasure Principle, Vietnamese [Revised from 2001 edition]

Why ProLife?, Bengali

Why ProLife?, Chichewa (Malawi)

Why ProLife?, Manipuri

Why ProLife?, Turkish


The Apostle Graphic Novel, book and Ebook, Kingstone Comics

Deadline Audiobook [Revised from 2006 edition] [No Longer Available on CD]

Dominion Audiobook [Revised from 2006 edition] [No Longer Available on CD]

God's Promise of Happiness, book and Ebook, Tyndale

Happiness, book and Ebook, Tyndale

Happiness Audiobook, Tyndale Audio

The Ishbane Conspiracy Audiobook [Revised from 2007 edition] [No Longer Available on CD]

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters Audiobook [Revised from 2007 edition] [No Longer Available on CD]

Eternity, Graphic Novel, Portuguese

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Indonesian

Heaven Booklet, Chinese-Simplified

Life Promises for Eternity, Chinese-Traditional

The Purity Principle, Dutch

Why ProLife?, Cambodian-Khmer [Updated from original ed. 2004]Why ProLife?, Tajik

Why ProLife?, Chinese-Simplified

Why ProLife?, French

Why ProLife?, Gujarati

Why ProLife?, Hindi

Why ProLife?, Nepali


Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Heaven, book and Ebook, Imitation Leather-Bound, Tyndale

hand in Hand, book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers

hand in Hand Audiobook, Christian Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

The Romantic Rationalist, (Randy Alcorn, contributor), Crossway

If God is Good (softcover), Multnomah Publishers [original hardcover edition 2009]

If God is Good (Large Print), Gale Cengage Publishers

50 Days of Heaven, Japanese

Courageous, Hungarian

Courageous, Slovenian

Courageous, Polish

Eternity Graphic Novel, Finnish

If God is Good, Abridged, German

The Purity Principle Audiobook, German

The Purity Principle, Czech

The Purity Principle, Russian

The Resolution for Men, Hungarian

Resolution for Men, Indonesian

Treasure Principle, Arabic

The Treasure Principle, Bengali

The Treasure Principle, Russian

Why ProLife?, Dutch (print & ebook)

Why ProLife?, German

Why ProLife?, Kannada

Why ProLife?, Punjabi

Why ProLife?, Polish


Eternity Graphic Novel, book and Ebook, Kingstone Comics, 2013

Help For Women Under Stress, book and Ebook, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Revised & Updated from original 1986 edition]

Seeing The Unseen, book and Ebook, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Out of Print, see Revised Ed. 2017]

The Chasm, Dutch

Courageous, Romanian

Courageous ebook, Chinese-Traditional

Courageous ebookChinese-Simplified

Eternity Graphic Novel, Spanish [Out of Print]

The Goodness of God, Dutch

The Grace & Truth Paradox, English-African

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Slovenian

Heaven, Chinese-Simplified

Heaven for Kids, Russian

The Ishbane Conspiracy, German [Revised from 2002 edition]

Lord Foulgrin's Letters, German [Revised from 2004 edition]

Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments, Swedish

Purity Principle, German [Revised from 2005 edition]

Purity Principle, Italian

Purity Principle, Indian-English

Tell Me About Heaven, Turkish

Treasure Principle, Czech

Treasure Principle, Indonesian [Revised from 2004 edition]

Why ProLife?, Romanian

Why ProLife?, Belarussian Why ProLife?, Bulgarian

Why ProLife?, Bosnian

Why ProLife?, Greek

Why ProLife?, Macedonian

Why ProLife?, Oriya (India)


Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions? Ebook, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Revised and Updated from original 1997 edition]

Eternal Perspectives, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers [Out of Print]

Eternity 101 DVD Class, Eternal Perspective Ministries

Law of Rewards Ebook, Tyndale

Life Promises for Eternity, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers [Out of Print]

Life Promises for Eternity, Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters Ebook, Multnomah Publishers

Sexual Temptation: Establishing Guardrails and Winning the Battle Ebook, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Revision of earlier works, 1st ed. 1989, 2nd ed. 2007]

The Treasure Principle Ebook, Multnomah Publishers

Why ProLife?, Hendrickson Publishers [Revised, Updated, and Expanded Edition of earlier work, 1st ed., 2005]

Touchpoints: Heaven, Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

50 Days of Heaven, Indonesian

Courageous, Finnish

Courageous Ebook, Dutch

Courageous, Portuguese (Brazil)

Dominion, Polish

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Italian

Heaven, Nepali

If God Is Good, Russian

Law of Rewards, Romanian

Life Promises for Eternity, English (Philippines)

Money, Possessions, & Eternity, Romanian

The Purity Principle, English & Tagalog (The Philippines), Cuban

Sexual Temptation Booklet, Spanish, Eternal Perspectives Ministries [self-published to PDF format only]

The Treasure Principle, Croatian

The Treasure Principle, Khmer (Cambodia)

We Shall See God, English (Philippines)

Why ProLife?, Albanian


90 Days of God’s Goodness, book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers [Hardcover Out of Print]

90 Days of God’s Goodness Audiobook, Christian Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

The Chasm, (hardcover) book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers [See softcover ed. 2018]

The Chasm Audiobook, Random House Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Courageous, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

Courageous Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Revised and Updated from original 1997 edition]

Game Plan for Life, Joe Gibbs (Randy Alcorn, Contributor), Tyndale House Publishers

God Wins, Mark Galli (Randy Alcorn, Contributor), Tyndale House Publishers

The Ishbane Conspiracy Ebook, Multnomah Publishers

Managing God’s Money, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

Managing God’s Money Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

The One Year Life Verse Devotional, Jay K. Payleitner (Randy Alcorn, Contributor), Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers

The Resolution for Men, book and Ebook, with Alex and Stephen Kendrick, B&H Publishing Group

The Resolution for Men Audiobook, Brilliance Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Safely Home 10th Anniversary Ed., softcover book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers [Revision of 2001 edition]

Sexual Temptation: Establishing Guardrails and Winning the Battle Booklet, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Revision of earlier works, 1st ed. 1989, 2nd ed. 2007]

We Shall See God, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

We Shall See God Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Courageous, Spanish

Courageous, Afrikaans

Courageous, Dutch

Heaven, Russian

Heaven, Norwegian

Heaven Booklet, Filipino [Revised from 2008]

If God Is Good, Korean

In Light of Eternity, Indonesian

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Italian

Managing God’s Money, Korean

The Resolution for Men, Spanish, B&H Espanol

Safely Home, Portuguese

The Treasure Principle, Greek

We Shall See God, Korean

Why ProLife?, Czech

Why ProLife?, Georgian

Why ProLife?, Malayalam

Why ProLife?, Telugu

Why ProLife? Ukrainian


The Goodness of God, Hardcover, book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers [Hardcover version now out of print. See softcover version 2016.]

The Goodness of God Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

If God is Good, Why Do We Hurt? Booklet and Ebook, Multnomah Books

If God Is Good Study Guide, book and Ebook, Multnomah Publishers

The Promise of Heaven, Harvest House Publishers [Out of Print]

The Treasure Principle Bible Study Ebook, Multnomah Publishers [Out of Print]

Heaven Small Group Discussion Guide DVD, Lamplighter Media [Out of Print]

Deception, Russian

Heaven, Chinese-Traditional

The Ishbane Conspiracy, Polish

Money, Possessions & Eternity, German

Money, Possessions & Eternity, English (The Philippines)

ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, Hebrew

The Purity Principle, Serbian

Safely Home, Russian

Why ProLife?, Estonian

Why ProLife?, Marathi

Why ProLife?, Portuguese

Why ProLife?, Tamil


Deadline Ebook, Multnomah Books

Deception Ebook, Multnomah Books

Edge of Eternity Ebook, WaterBrook

The Grace & Truth Paradox Ebook, Multnomah Books

Heaven Small Group Discussion Guide, Lamplighter Media & Life Together Publishers [Out of Print]

If God is Good, hardcover book and Ebook, Multnomah Books [Hardcover Out of Print, Soft Cover Available]

If God is Good Audiobook, Random House Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

In Light of Eternity Ebook, WaterBrook

Money, Possessions & Eternity Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments Ebook, Multnomah Books

The Purity Principle Ebook, Multnomah Books

The Treasure Principle DVD, Spanish & English [Original edition Out of Print, Revised 2017]

50 Days of Heaven, Dutch

Deadline, Polish

Deception, Special Edition, Dutch

The Grace & Truth Paradox Audiobook, German

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Polish

The Purity Principle, Latvian

The Treasure Principle, Japanese

The Treasure Principle, Serbian

Why ProLife?, Cuban 

Why ProLife?, Serbian


Deception (softcover) Multnomah Books (see original hardcover ed. 2007)

Dominion Ebook, Multnomah Books

Edge of Eternity Audiobook, Treasure Publishing [Revised 2015] [No Longer Available on CD]

Heaven Booklet Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Law of Rewards Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

TouchPoints: HeavenTyndale House Publishing

Why ProLife? Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

50 Days of Heaven, Spanish [Out of Print]

50 Days of HeavenRomanian

The Grace & Truth Paradox, French

Heaven (Condensed), English (South African)

Heaven Booklet, English-The Philippines [Revised 2011]

Heaven for Kids, Chinese-Traditional

Heaven for Kids, Indonesian

Heaven for Kids, Korean

The Purity Principle, French

Tell Me About Heaven, Afrikaans

Tell Me About Heaven, English (South African)

The Treasure Principle, French


Deception (hardcover) Multnomah Books [Out of Print, See 2nd ed. 2008]

Deception Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

The Grace & Truth Paradox Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

How Can We Know That We’ll Go to Heaven? Tract, Good News Publishing [Revised 2017]

The Ishbane Conspiracy Audiobook, Treasure Publishing [Revised 2015] [No Longer Available on CD]

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters Audiobook, Treasure Publishing [Revised 2015] [No Longer Available on CD]

Safely Home Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Sexual Temptation: How Christian Workers Can Win the Battle, Booklet, Eternal Perspective Ministries [2nd Edition, revision of 1989 ed., See Updated ed. 2011]

Tell Me About Heaven, Tyndale House Publishers

Theology of Money DVD Class, Eternal Perspective Ministries

Wait Until Then, Tyndale House Publishers [Out of Print]

50 Days of Heaven, Korean

Deadline, Finnish

Deception, Dutch

Heaven, Indonesian

The Ishbane Conspiracy, Turkish 

The Purity Principle Study Guide, Spanish

The Treasure Principle Study Guide, Spanish [Out of Print]

Why ProLife?, English (Indian)


50 Days of Heaven, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

50 Days of Heaven Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Heaven Bible Study Workbook, LifeWay Press [Out of Print]

Heaven for Kids, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

Heaven for Kids Audiobook, Oasis Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Heaven Study Guide, Tyndale House Publishers

Deadline Audiobook, Oasis Audio [Revised 2015] [No Longer Available on CD]

Dominion Audiobook, Oasis Audio [Revised 2015] [No Longer Available on CD]

The Treasure Principle Audiobook, Hovel Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

Dominion, Russian

The Grace & Truth Paradox, German

Heaven, Spanish,Tyndale House Publishers, 2006

Heaven, Korean

Heaven Booklet, Spanish [out of print] 

Heaven Study Guide, Spanish [out of print]

Heaven for Kids, Spanish [out of print]

The Ishbane Conspiracy, Russian

Money, Possessions & Eternity, Korean [Out of Print]

The Purity Principle, Hebrew

The Purity Principle, Indonesian

The Purity Principle, Polish

Safely Home, Romanian

The Treasure Principle, Danish

The Treasure Principle, English (South African)

The Treasure Principle, Kenyan

Why ProLife?, Russian

Why ProLife?, Spanish [out of print]


The Purity Principle Audiobook, Hovel Audio [No Longer Available on CD]

The Treasure Principle,Multnomah Press [Revision of 2001 edition]

The Treasure Principle Bible Study, Multnomah Press [Out of Print]

The Treasure Principle Study Guide, Lifeway Press [Out of Print]

Why ProLife?, book and Ebook, Eternal Perspective Ministries [Original Ed. Out of Print, see 2nd Edition 2012]

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Chinese-Simplified

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Chinese-Traditional

Heaven, Afrikaans

Heaven, English (The Philippines)

Heaven, German

In Light of Eternity, Russian

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Russian

The Purity Principle, English (South African)

The Purity Principle, German [Revised 2013]

Safely Home, Finnish

Safely Home, Korean

The Treasure Principle, Slovenian

Why ProLife?, Korean


Heaven, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

Heaven Audiobook, Tyndale Audio

Heaven Booklet (Biblical Answers to Common Questions), book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers

The Purity Principle Study Guide, Lifeway Press

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Korean

The Law of Rewards, Dutch

The Law of Rewards, German

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, German [Revised 2013]

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Norwegian

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Romanian

Safely Home, Norwegian

The Treasure Principle, Afrikaans

The Treasure Principle, Dutch

The Treasure Principle, Indonesian [Revised 2013]

The Treasure Principle, Portuguese [Out of Print]

The Treasure Principle, Tagalog and English (The Philippines)

Why ProLife?, Anglicized

Why ProLife?, Cambodian-Khmer [Revised 2015]


The Grace & Truth Paradox, Multnomah Publishers

The Grace & Truth Paradox Study Guide, Multnomah Publishers [Out of Print]

The Law of Rewards, Tyndale House Publishers

Money, Possessions & Eternity, book and Ebook, Tyndale House Publishers [Revised and Updated from earlier work, 1st ed., 1989]

The Purity Principle, Multnomah Publishers 

Deadline, Russian

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Dutch

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Spanish (Out of Print)

The Grace & Truth Paradox, Cuban

The Ishbane Conspiracy, Dutch

The Law of Rewards, Korean

The Law of Rewards, Russian 

The Purity Principle, Korean

The Purity Principle, Spanish

The Purity Principle, Cuban

The Purity Principle, Vietnamese [Revised 2016]

Safely Home, Spanish [Out of Print]

The Treasure Principle, Chinese-Traditional

The Treasure Principle, Polish [Revised 2016]


The Ishbane Conspiracy, German [Revised 2013] 

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Spanish

Safely Home, Dutch 

The Treasure Principle, Spanish [Out of Print]

The Treasure Principle, Cuban

The Treasure Principle, Korean


Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Multnomah Publishers, 2001. 

The Ishbane Conspiracy, Multnomah Publishers

Safely Home (Hardcover), Tyndale House Publishers [Original Hardcover Ed., Out of Print, so softcover ed. 2011]

The Storyteller’s Collection: Tales of Faraway Places, Multnomah Publishers [Randy Alcorn, Contributor]

The Treasure Principle, Multnomah Publishers [Original Ed., Out of Print, See updated edition, 2005] 

In Light of Eternity, Dutch [Revised 2014]

Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, Dutch

The Treasure Principle, Vietnamese [Revised 2016]


Prolife Answers to Prochoice Arguments, Multnomah Press [Revised and Updated from earlier work, 1st ed., 1992]

Restoring Sexual Sanity, Coral Ridge Ministries [Out of Print]


Edge of Eternity (Softcover), WaterBrook Press [Revision of 1998 edition]

In Light of Eternity, WaterBrook Press. 

Edge of Eternity, Dutch 


Edge of Eternity (Hardcover), WaterBrook Press [Original Hardcover Ed., Out of Print, See Revised Ed., 1999]

ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, Spanish

Dominion, Dutch


Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?, Eternal Perspective Ministries [See Revised Ed. 2011]


Dominion, Multnomah Books.


Deadline, Dutch

ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, Italian [Out of Print]


Deadline, Multnomah Books


ProLife Answers to ProChoice Arguments, Multnomah Books [See Revised Ed. 2000] 


Is Rescuing Right?, [Out of Print] InterVarsity Press.


Money, Possessions & Eternity, Tyndale [Original Ed. Out of Print, see Revised Ed. 2003]

Sexual Temptation: How Christian Workers Can Win the Battle, Norwegian

Sexual Temptation: How Christian Workers Can Win the Battle, InterVarsity Press [Original Ed., Out of Print; see 2nd ed., 2007, 3rd ed., 2011] 


Women Under Stress, Multnomah Press [Original Ed., Out of Print, see Revised Ed. titled Help For Women Under Stress, 2013]


Christians in the Wake of the Sexual Revolution, [Out of Print] Multnomah Press


Projects in Progress (updated Jan.2021):

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Arabic

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Bengali

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Chinese

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Dutch

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Persian (Farsi)

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, French

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, German

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Hindi

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Malayam

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Indian, English

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Indonesian

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Italian

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Portuguese

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Russian

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Spanish

The Apostle, Graphic Novel, Turkish 

Courageous ebook, Hungarian

Courageous, Russian

Eternity Graphic Novel, Italian

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Heaven, Portuguese

Giving is the Good Life

Hand in Hand, Korean

Heaven, Nigerian

Heaven, Romanian

Heaven, Telugu

Heaven Booklet, Thai

Heaven for Kids, Dutch

Law of Rewards, Luganda

Money, Possessions, & Eternity, Japanese

Money, Possessions, & Eternity, Korean

Money, Possessions, & Eternity, Portuguese

Safely Home, Estonian

TouchPoints: Heaven, Canadian French

The Treasure Principle, Kurdish

Why ProLife?, Arabic

Why Prolife?, Armenian

Why ProLife?, Croatian

Why ProLife?, Indonesian

Why ProLife?, Italian

Why ProLife?, Konkani

Why Prolife?, Nepali

Why Prolife?, Sesthoto

Why ProLife?, Swahili

Why Prolife?, Thai